
Selecting Winter Equipment and Ice Melt

Prep for the snowy season and ensure your equipment is up to date. Stock up with LESCO equipment and ice melt.

In the northern part of the U.S., fall is a time to prepare for the snowy season ahead. While collecting leaves and putting down final lawn treatments, be sure you have the right materials and tools for your upcoming winter jobs. 

How SiteOne Can Help You Prepare for Winter

SiteOne offers a wide range of deicing materials, application equipment, and tools that will help ensure safety as well as provide a good user experience. One key area that SiteOne has made recent improvements to is the LESCO 50lb Snow/Bulk Spreader and LESCO 80lb Snow/Bulk Spreader, which now feature a moveable full deflector, sawtooth bulk agitator, shockproof winter cover, and reflective decals to help see the spreader at night. These spreaders offer double duty in the warmer months of the year, where they can be used to apply lime. With the simple addition of a bulk agitator, they can also handle organic bulk materials, which are becoming more popular. 

How Fertilizer Feeds Turf

SiteOne also offers an Ice Melt Early Order Program – don’t miss out on your chance to save on your preferred ice melt material. 

Ensure your equipment is properly calibrated to maximize your bottom line. Read and follow your package’s label instructions before application. If spreading LESCO ice melt, SiteOne recommends spreading it with a broadcast spreader. Don’t overapply ice melt; determine how much product you need for the job before spreading. Weather may impact your spreader settings.

Ensure Use of Quality Products and Tools 

Customers expect the best from the professionals they hire. You choose quality products and tools when working on your spring jobs- ensure quality year-round. These spreaders are durable and reliable, which is what you need during inclement weather.  

Be prepared- winter is coming. Our SiteOne associates can help make sure you have the best snow/bulk spreaders and supplies geared up for the first snowfall of the year.

Visit your local branch today or shop at or our mobile app.


SiteOne Content Team

October 11, 2022


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